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It’s actually easier to fill out than you might think. This page will help you know what information to gather and the steps to take when filling out the form. You will not be alone as you take your Ivy Tech journey. Instead, you’ll be guided by your Advisor, who will meet with you to build your Academic Completion Plan.

  • I’m amazed by how professional and committed Tech Experts brought by Tech To The Rescue are.
  • You will not be alone as you take your Ivy Tech journey.
  • Be the link between healthcare providers and patients as you learn in a variety of settings, including labs and patient exam rooms.
  • Your financial aid might include grants, scholarships, loans, and/or work study.

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This will include determining which classes to take each semester. If you’re planning to transfer to a four-year university after finishing your Ivy Tech degree or certificate, that will drive your plan. Submit your transcripts if you recently finished high school or college courses. Your first step will be to set up your MyIvy Account, which you’ll use all the time for student information.

TikTok is massively influential, but there are ongoing concerns about the mental health risks the app may pose to young people. If you’re not yet sure what the best fit is for you, browse our undergraduate and graduate programs and see what we have to offer. Non-Traditional & Online Our College of Professional Studies offers challenging and convenient programs for busy adults.